Simple survey creation

  1. Kaufmann, 2022-2024.

from geometron.survey import TopoPoint, TopoLine
from geometron.geometries import features_to_gdf
from geometron.geometries import transforms as ggt
from geometron.plot import plot_point, plot_line, plot_profile, plot_gdf_survey, plot_basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString
import shapely

Create some landmarks in a local coordinate system

Coordinates are planar coordinates

Using wkt

L001 = TopoPoint('POINT (0. 0.)', name='L001', kind='landmark')
L002 = TopoPoint('POINT (50. 0.)', name='L002', kind='landmark')

Using shapely geometries

L003 = TopoPoint(Point(4., 120.), name='L003', kind='landmark')
L004 = TopoPoint(Point(54., 112.), name='L004', kind='landmark')

Plot L001 in a matplotlib axes


Add the landmarks in a survey geodataframe and display the survey

gdf = features_to_gdf([L001, L002, L003, L004])
geometry id label kind class
0 POINT (0.000 0.000) L001 L001 landmark TopoPoint
1 POINT (50.000 0.000) L002 L002 landmark TopoPoint
2 POINT (4.000 120.000) L003 L003 landmark TopoPoint
3 POINT (54.000 112.000) L004 L004 landmark TopoPoint
ax = plot_gdf_survey(gdf)

Create a baseline in local coordinates

Baseline B01 joins L001 and L002

B01 = TopoLine(LineString([L001.geometry, L002.geometry]), name='B01', kind='baseline', show_label=False)

Baseline B02 joins L003 and L004

B02 = TopoLine(LineString([L003.geometry, L004.geometry]), name='B02', kind='baseline', show_label=False)

Append the survey geodataframe

gdf = pd.concat([gdf, features_to_gdf([B01, B02])], ignore_index=True)

Display the appended survey

<Axes: >

Add 18 meandering profiles starting and ending on the baselines

The distance between the starting and ending points along the baseline is set to 2 meters

number_of_profiles = 18
spacing_on_B01 = 2
spacing_on_B02 = 2

Create the stakes where the profiles start and end

stakes_B01 = [TopoPoint(Point(B01.geometry.interpolate(i*spacing_on_B01)), name='', kind='stake') for i in range(1, number_of_profiles+1)]
stakes_B02 = [TopoPoint(Point(B02.geometry.interpolate(i*spacing_on_B02)), name='', kind='stake') for i in range(1, number_of_profiles+1)]

Append the survey geodataframe and plot it

gdf = pd.concat([gdf, features_to_gdf(stakes_B01), features_to_gdf(stakes_B02)], ignore_index=True)
<Axes: >

Create the profiles and append the survey geodataframe

profiles = []
for i in range(1,number_of_profiles+1,2):
    profiles.append(TopoLine(LineString([stakes_B01[i-1].geometry, stakes_B02[i-1].geometry]), name=f'P{i:02d}', kind='profile'))
for i in range(2,number_of_profiles+1,2):
    profiles.append(TopoLine(LineString([stakes_B02[i-1].geometry, stakes_B01[i-1].geometry]), name=f'P{i:02d}', kind='profile'))
gdf = pd.concat([gdf, features_to_gdf(profiles)], ignore_index=True)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,12))
plot_gdf_survey(gdf, ax=ax)
<Axes: >

Transform from local coordinates to geographic coordinates

Here an affine transform is used. Based on the use case other approaches could be better suited.

Define the control points for the affine transform

origin_coords = [L001, L002, L003, L004]
landmarks = gpd.read_file('./data/landmarks.shp')
landmarks.set_index('Label', drop=False, inplace=True)
<Projected CRS: EPSG:3812>
Name: ETRS89 / Belgian Lambert 2008
Axis Info [cartesian]:
- X[east]: Easting (metre)
- Y[north]: Northing (metre)
Area of Use:
- name: Belgium - onshore.
- bounds: (2.5, 49.5, 6.4, 51.51)
Coordinate Operation:
- name: Belgian Lambert 2008
- method: Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP)
Datum: European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 ensemble
- Ellipsoid: GRS 1980
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich
destination_coords = [(i.x, i.y) for i in landmarks.loc[['L001', 'L002', 'L003', 'L004'], 'geometry'].values]

Compute the transform matrix

matrix, residual, _, _  = ggt.affine_transform_matrix(origin_coords=origin_coords, destination_coords=destination_coords)
array([1.70078765, 5.30641372])

Save the local coordinates in wkt format in the ‘local_geometry’ column and apply the transform to the survey geodataframe

gdf['local_geometry'] = gdf['geometry'].to_wkt()
geometry id label kind class local_geometry
0 POINT (0.000 0.000) L001 L001 landmark TopoPoint POINT (0 0)
1 POINT (50.000 0.000) L002 L002 landmark TopoPoint POINT (50 0)
2 POINT (4.000 120.000) L003 L003 landmark TopoPoint POINT (4 120)
3 POINT (54.000 112.000) L004 L004 landmark TopoPoint POINT (54 112)
4 LINESTRING (0.000 0.000, 50.000 0.000) B01 baseline TopoLine LINESTRING (0 0, 50 0)
5 LINESTRING (4.000 120.000, 54.000 112.000) B02 baseline TopoLine LINESTRING (4 120, 54 112)
6 POINT (2.000 0.000) stake TopoPoint POINT (2 0)
7 POINT (4.000 0.000) stake TopoPoint POINT (4 0)
8 POINT (6.000 0.000) stake TopoPoint POINT (6 0)
9 POINT (8.000 0.000) stake TopoPoint POINT (8 0)
10 POINT (10.000 0.000) stake TopoPoint POINT (10 0)
11 POINT (12.000 0.000) stake TopoPoint POINT (12 0)
12 POINT (14.000 0.000) stake TopoPoint POINT (14 0)
13 POINT (16.000 0.000) stake TopoPoint POINT (16 0)
14 POINT (18.000 0.000) stake TopoPoint POINT (18 0)
15 POINT (20.000 0.000) stake TopoPoint POINT (20 0)
16 POINT (22.000 0.000) stake TopoPoint POINT (22 0)
17 POINT (24.000 0.000) stake TopoPoint POINT (24 0)
18 POINT (26.000 0.000) stake TopoPoint POINT (26 0)
19 POINT (28.000 0.000) stake TopoPoint POINT (28 0)
20 POINT (30.000 0.000) stake TopoPoint POINT (30 0)
21 POINT (32.000 0.000) stake TopoPoint POINT (32 0)
22 POINT (34.000 0.000) stake TopoPoint POINT (34 0)
23 POINT (36.000 0.000) stake TopoPoint POINT (36 0)
24 POINT (5.975 119.684) stake TopoPoint POINT (5.974881 119.684019)
25 POINT (7.950 119.368) stake TopoPoint POINT (7.949763 119.368038)
26 POINT (9.925 119.052) stake TopoPoint POINT (9.924644 119.052057)
27 POINT (11.900 118.736) stake TopoPoint POINT (11.899525 118.736076)
28 POINT (13.874 118.420) stake TopoPoint POINT (13.874406 118.420095)
29 POINT (15.849 118.104) stake TopoPoint POINT (15.849288 118.104114)
30 POINT (17.824 117.788) stake TopoPoint POINT (17.824169 117.788133)
31 POINT (19.799 117.472) stake TopoPoint POINT (19.79905 117.472152)
32 POINT (21.774 117.156) stake TopoPoint POINT (21.773931 117.156171)
33 POINT (23.749 116.840) stake TopoPoint POINT (23.748813 116.84019)
34 POINT (25.724 116.524) stake TopoPoint POINT (25.723694 116.524209)
35 POINT (27.699 116.208) stake TopoPoint POINT (27.698575 116.208228)
36 POINT (29.673 115.892) stake TopoPoint POINT (29.673456 115.892247)
37 POINT (31.648 115.576) stake TopoPoint POINT (31.648338 115.576266)
38 POINT (33.623 115.260) stake TopoPoint POINT (33.623219 115.260285)
39 POINT (35.598 114.944) stake TopoPoint POINT (35.5981 114.944304)
40 POINT (37.573 114.628) stake TopoPoint POINT (37.572981 114.628323)
41 POINT (39.548 114.312) stake TopoPoint POINT (39.547863 114.312342)
42 LINESTRING (2.000 0.000, 5.975 119.684) P01 P01 profile TopoLine LINESTRING (2 0, 5.974881 119.684019)
43 LINESTRING (6.000 0.000, 9.925 119.052) P03 P03 profile TopoLine LINESTRING (6 0, 9.924644 119.052057)
44 LINESTRING (10.000 0.000, 13.874 118.420) P05 P05 profile TopoLine LINESTRING (10 0, 13.874406 118.420095)
45 LINESTRING (14.000 0.000, 17.824 117.788) P07 P07 profile TopoLine LINESTRING (14 0, 17.824169 117.788133)
46 LINESTRING (18.000 0.000, 21.774 117.156) P09 P09 profile TopoLine LINESTRING (18 0, 21.773931 117.156171)
47 LINESTRING (22.000 0.000, 25.724 116.524) P11 P11 profile TopoLine LINESTRING (22 0, 25.723694 116.524209)
48 LINESTRING (26.000 0.000, 29.673 115.892) P13 P13 profile TopoLine LINESTRING (26 0, 29.673456 115.892247)
49 LINESTRING (30.000 0.000, 33.623 115.260) P15 P15 profile TopoLine LINESTRING (30 0, 33.623219 115.260285)
50 LINESTRING (34.000 0.000, 37.573 114.628) P17 P17 profile TopoLine LINESTRING (34 0, 37.572981 114.628323)
51 LINESTRING (7.950 119.368, 4.000 0.000) P02 P02 profile TopoLine LINESTRING (7.949763 119.368038, 4 0)
52 LINESTRING (11.900 118.736, 8.000 0.000) P04 P04 profile TopoLine LINESTRING (11.899525 118.736076, 8 0)
53 LINESTRING (15.849 118.104, 12.000 0.000) P06 P06 profile TopoLine LINESTRING (15.849288 118.104114, 12 0)
54 LINESTRING (19.799 117.472, 16.000 0.000) P08 P08 profile TopoLine LINESTRING (19.79905 117.472152, 16 0)
55 LINESTRING (23.749 116.840, 20.000 0.000) P10 P10 profile TopoLine LINESTRING (23.748813 116.84019, 20 0)
56 LINESTRING (27.699 116.208, 24.000 0.000) P12 P12 profile TopoLine LINESTRING (27.698575 116.208228, 24 0)
57 LINESTRING (31.648 115.576, 28.000 0.000) P14 P14 profile TopoLine LINESTRING (31.648338 115.576266, 28 0)
58 LINESTRING (35.598 114.944, 32.000 0.000) P16 P16 profile TopoLine LINESTRING (35.5981 114.944304, 32 0)
59 LINESTRING (39.548 114.312, 36.000 0.000) P18 P18 profile TopoLine LINESTRING (39.547863 114.312342, 36 0)
gdf['geometry'] = gpd.GeoSeries.from_wkt(gdf['local_geometry']).affine_transform(matrix) =

Plot the transformed survey on a basemap

The survey geodataframe should be converted to WGS84 (epsg:4326) for display over a basemap created with geometron.plot.plot_basemap.
It should be located entirely within the extent of the basemap

Compute the extent of the map using a buffer around the survey geodataframe

extent = gdf.buffer(10).to_crs('epsg:4326').total_bounds[[0,2,1,3]]
cache_dir = './tmp_files/.tiles_cache'

Plot the basemap and the survey geodataframe

ax = plot_basemap(extent, figsize=(12,12), xyz_server='google terrain', cache_dir=cache_dir, max_zoom=19)
plot_gdf_survey(gdf.to_crs('epsg:4326'), ax=ax, extent=extent, grid='off')
<Axes: >

Export the survey geodataframe to a geopackage

gdf.to_file('./tmp_files/survey.gpkg', driver='GPKG')