Display a raster image as a vertical plane section in 3D

  1. Kaufmann, 2024.

import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from geometron.geometries.transforms import affine_transform_matrix
from geometron.vtk import map_image_to_plane
from shapely.geometry import Point

Define the 2D transform between the local coordinates and the LB72 CRS

df = pd.read_csv('./data/Reunis_plans_georef.txt')
XL YL ZL Xlocal Ylocal Zlocal
0 156048 122997 0 2500.0 -2700 0
1 154908 121515 0 1300.0 -4200 0
2 155975 122989 0 2427.5 -2709 0
3 155975 122989 -1000 2427.5 -2709 -1000
origin_coords = [Point([r.Xlocal, r.Ylocal, r.Zlocal]) for idx, r in df.iterrows()]
destination_coords = [Point([r.XL, r.YL, r.ZL]) for idx, r in df.iterrows()]
local_to_lb72_transform_matrix, residuals, _, _ = affine_transform_matrix(origin_coords, destination_coords, shapely_format=False)
[[ 1.01316998e+00 -5.05359877e-02 -1.11022302e-14  1.53378628e+05]
 [-1.36600306e-02  9.98928025e-01 -2.30926389e-14  1.25728256e+05]
 [ 1.52626127e-15 -1.40165657e-15  1.00000000e+00 -7.65607717e-12]
 [ 0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00  1.00000000e+00]]

Read the section image and warp it to a plane in local coordinates

Define the transform between the image coordinates and the local coordinates

df = pd.read_csv(f'./data/Reunis-Puits12-01_resampled.txt')
Ximage Yimage Zimage Xlocal Ylocal Zlocal
0 0 149 665 2427.5 -3100 -300
1 0 1078 133 2427.5 -2400 100
cx = 0.
cy = (df.loc[0,'Ylocal']-df.loc[1,'Ylocal'])/(df.loc[0,'Yimage']-df.loc[1,'Yimage'])
cz = (df.loc[0,'Zlocal']-df.loc[1,'Zlocal'])/(df.loc[0,'Zimage']-df.loc[1,'Zimage'])
tx = df.loc[0,'Xlocal']
ty = df.loc[0,'Ylocal'] - cy * df.loc[0,'Yimage']
tz = df.loc[0,'Zlocal'] - cz * df.loc[0,'Zimage']
image_to_local_transform_matrix= np.array([[0., 0., 0., tx],
                                           [cy, 0., 0., ty],
                                           [0., cz, 0., tz],
                                           [0., 0., 0., 1.]])

Create the section plane and texture

section_plane, image = map_image_to_plane('./data/Reunis-Puits12-01_resampled.png', image_to_local_transform_matrix)

Transform the section plane into LB72 coordinates


Add shafts with coordinates in LB72

shaft_P1 = pv.Line(pointa=(156220., 123391., 150.), pointb=(156220.,123391.,-400.), resolution=1).tube(radius=5.)
shaft_P12 = pv.Line(pointa=(155975., 122989., 150.), pointb=(155975., 122989., -400.), resolution=1).tube(radius=5.)

Display section and shafts together

p = pv.Plotter()
p.add_mesh(section_plane, texture=image)
p.add_mesh(shaft_P1, color='r')
p.add_mesh(shaft_P12, color='b')