Topo - VTK 4x4 transform matrix from control points¶
Kaufmann, 2021.
from ipywidgets import TwoByTwoLayout
import bootsoff.topo.geometry as btg
import pyvista as pv
import numpy as np
Coordinates of the control points in the origin space¶
at least 4 non co-planar points are required, if more than 4 are given, a least-squares approach is used
p0 = np.array([0., 0., 0.])
p1 = np.array([0., 4., 0.])
p2 = np.array([1., 0., 0.])
p3 = np.array([0., 0., 2.])
origin_points = [p0, p1, p2, p3]
Corresponding coordinates of the control points in the destination space¶
P0 = np.array([2., 0., 0.])
P1 = np.array([2., 0., 1.])
P2 = np.array([3., 0., 0.])
P3 = np.array([2., -4., 3.])
destination_points = [P0, P1, P2, P3]
Convert control points to vtk objects¶
origin = pv.PolyData(origin_points)
origin['Labels'] = [f'p{i}' for i in range(4)]
destination = pv.PolyData(destination_points)
destination['Labels'] = [f'P{i}' for i in range(4)]
2021-10-03 19:10:02.006 ( 0.254s) [ 513FF740] WARN| vtkPointData (0x5561511ae700): Can not set attribute Scalars. Only vtkDataArray subclasses can be set as active attributes.
2021-10-03 19:10:02.008 ( 0.256s) [ 513FF740] WARN| vtkPointData (0x55615130eca0): Can not set attribute Scalars. Only vtkDataArray subclasses can be set as active attributes.
Create plotters for the origin and destination spaces¶
origin_plotter = pv.Plotter()
origin_plotter.add_point_labels(origin, 'Labels', point_size=12, font_size=12, point_color='green')
#origin_plotter.add_points(origin, point_size=12, color='green')
origin_plotter.camera_position = 'iso'
# origin_plotter.show_grid()
origin_scene ='ipyvtklink', return_viewer=True)
destination_plotter = pv.Plotter()
destination_plotter.add_point_labels(destination, 'Labels', point_size=12, font_size=12, point_color='orange')
destination_plotter.camera_position = 'iso'
# destination_plotter.show_grid()
destination_scene ='ipyvtklink', return_viewer=True)
Compute the 4x4 transform matrix¶
transform_matrix, _ = btg.vtk_transform_matrix_from_control_points(origin_points, destination_points)
Use the 4x4 transform to transform origin points into destination points¶
origin_copy = origin.copy()
2021-10-03 19:10:02.577 ( 0.825s) [ 513FF740] WARN| vtkPointData (0x5561511ae700): Can not set attribute Scalars. Only vtkDataArray subclasses can be set as active attributes.
origin_copy.clear_arrays() # must remove field before applying transform
transformed = origin_copy.transform(transform_matrix)
transformed['Labels'] = [f'P{i}' for i in range(4)]
2021-10-03 19:10:02.591 ( 0.839s) [ 513FF740] WARN| vtkPointData (0x556152280070): Can not set attribute Scalars. Only vtkDataArray subclasses can be set as active attributes.
2021-10-03 19:10:02.599 ( 0.847s) [ 513FF740] WARN| vtkPointData (0x556152280070): Can not set attribute Scalars. Only vtkDataArray subclasses can be set as active attributes.
Header | Data Arrays | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Create a plotter for transformed points and display origin (top left), destination (top right) end transformed (bottom right) control points¶
transformed_plotter = pv.Plotter()
transformed_plotter.add_point_labels(transformed, 'Labels', point_size=12, font_size=12, point_color='red')
#transformed_plotter.add_points(transformed, point_size=12, color='green')
transformed_plotter.camera_position = 'iso'
transformed_scene ='ipyvtklink', return_viewer=True)
TwoByTwoLayout(top_left=origin_scene, top_right=destination_scene, bottom_right=transformed_scene)
static_plotter = pv.Plotter()
static_plotter.add_point_labels(transformed, 'Labels', point_size=12, font_size=12, point_color='red')
static_plotter.add_point_labels(origin, 'Labels', point_size=12, font_size=12, point_color='green')
static_plotter.camera_position = 'iso'
[transformed.cell_points(i) for i in range(transformed.n_cells)]
[array([[ 2.00000000e+00, -1.69891899e-16, -3.88578059e-16]]),
array([[ 2.00000000e+00, -1.05807032e-15, 1.00000000e+00]]),
array([[ 3.00000000e+00, 1.44942688e-16, -2.61544505e-16]]),
array([[ 2., -4., 3.]])]
[destination.cell_points(i) for i in range(destination.n_cells)]
[array([[2., 0., 0.]]),
array([[2., 0., 1.]]),
array([[3., 0., 0.]]),
array([[ 2., -4., 3.]])]