Topo - Concatenate two layers stored in geopackages

O.Kaufmann, 2021.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd

Read the layers into geodataframes

gdf_2 = gpd.read_file('./data_gis/ft2.gpkg', layer='landmarks')
gdf_3 = gpd.read_file('./data_gis/ft3.gpkg', layer='landmarks')

Plot the two layers in separate axes

fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(16,8))

Plot the two layers in the same axis

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,8))
landmark positioning year geometry
4 L045 GPS 2021 POINT (122583.565 125163.235)

Clean the second layer and fix the landmark name

gdf_3.dropna(axis='index', inplace=True)
gdf_3['landmark'] = gdf_3['landmark'].apply(lambda x: f'L{x}')
landmark positioning year geometry
0 L001 GPS 2021.0 POINT (121184.037 126112.105)
1 L002 GPS 2021.0 POINT (121219.870 126094.263)
2 L003 GPS 2021.0 POINT (121203.004 126058.071)
3 L004 GPS 2021.0 POINT (121167.300 126075.999)
4 L050 GPS 2021.0 POINT (122599.237 125412.080)
5 L009 GPS 2021.0 POINT (122619.580 125809.708)
6 L090 GPS 2021.0 POINT (121890.166 125914.780)
7 L091 GPS 2021.0 POINT (121871.364 125935.615)
8 L051 GPS 2021.0 POINT (121968.549 125376.939)
9 L006 GPS 2021.0 POINT (121258.614 126012.355)
10 L007 GPS 2021.0 POINT (121254.530 126054.242)
11 L005 GPS 2021.0 POINT (121332.472 126030.081)
12 L008 GPS 2021.0 POINT (121331.031 126075.167)
13 L052 GPS 2021.0 POINT (122217.941 125363.251)
14 L062 GPS 2021.0 POINT (122322.165 125356.536)
15 L010 GPS 2021.0 POINT (122021.498 125934.254)
18 L012 GPS 2021.0 POINT (122256.704 125920.614)
19 L011 GPS 2021.0 POINT (122141.663 125926.539)
20 L013 GPS 2021.0 POINT (121749.332 125951.740)
21 L014 GPS 2021.0 POINT (121846.951 125951.865)
22 L015 GPS 2021.0 POINT (121936.764 125942.185)
23 L092 \nLandmarks in space 2021.0 POINT (122414.240 125913.989)

Concatenate the two layers

gdf = pd.concat([gdf_2, gdf_3])

Check the crs

<Projected CRS: EPSG:31370>
Name: Belge 1972 / Belgian Lambert 72
Axis Info [cartesian]:
- X[east]: Easting (metre)
- Y[north]: Northing (metre)
Area of Use:
- name: Belgium - onshore.
- bounds: (2.5, 49.5, 6.4, 51.51)
Coordinate Operation:
- name: Belgian Lambert 72
- method: Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP)
Datum: Reseau National Belge 1972
- Ellipsoid: International 1924
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich

Plot the output

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,8))