geometron package


geometron.core module

class geometron.core.FakeClass(name=None)

Bases: object

Fake class




Displays a text or name attribute if text is None


text (str) – if None, displays name (default=None)

geometron.core.fake_function(text='Hello World!')

Prints and returns a text after capitalizing


name (str) –



Return type:

a text

geometron.geometries module

geometron.geometries.angles.azimuth(origin, target)

Computes the Azimuth of a target point as seen from a origin point in a planar coordinate system

  • origin (shapely.geometry.Point) – Point from which the target is observed

  • target (shapely.geometry.Point) – Point which is observed from the origin


azimuth – azimuth angle in radians

Return type:



Converts angle expressed as degrees.minutesseconds (DDD.MMSSS) to decimal degrees (DDD.XXX)


x (float) – angle in degrees minute


angle – angle converted to the decimal degrees format

Return type:


geometron.geometries.angles.dd_to_ddmmss(x, string_output=True, precision=3)

Converts angle expressed as decimal degrees (DD) to minutes (DDMMSS)

  • x (float) – angle in decimal degrees

  • str (bool) – True if output is a string

  • precision (int, default : 3) – number of decimals retained for seconds in string output


angle – angle converted to the degrees minutes seconds format

Return type:



Converts angle expressed as degrees minutes (DDDMM) to decimal degrees (DDD.XXX)


x (float) – angle in degrees minute


angle – angle converted to the decimal degrees format

Return type:


geometron.geometries.cubic_length.cclength(coefs, x_end=1.0)

Computes the length along a cubic curve defined by the coefficients of its equation z=f(x) from 0 to x_end

  • coefs (list) – coefficients of the cubic curve

  • x_end (float) – length is computed for a portion of the curve whose ends are at x=0 and x=x_end


length – length the portion of the curve

Return type:


geometron.geometries.cubic_length.cclength2abs(coefs, length)

Computes the x value of the point at a distance computed along a cubic curve defined by its coefficients

  • coefs (list) – coefficients of the cubic curve

  • length (numpy.array) – length of the portion of the curve


x – value of the end point of the portion of the curve starting at x=0 and of given length

Return type:


geometron.geometries.cubic_length.cclength2xz(known_points, distances)

Computes [x,z] of points distributed at set distances along a curve defined by a set of known points and interpolated as a pchip

  • known_points (list, numpy.array) – points

  • distances (numpy.array) – distances from the origin of the curve to the points whose x_value are sought


xz – list of points 2d coordinates in the xz reference system

Return type:



computes the distance from the first point and each given point along a curve defined by this set of known points and interpolated as a pchip


known_points (list, numpy.array) – 2d coordinates of known points used to compute a piecewise cubic curve


distances along the curve at each known point

Return type:


geometron.geometries.transforms.affine_transform_matrix(origin_coords, destination_coords, rcond=-1, shapely_format=True)

Computes a transform matrix to use on shapely or vtk objects from control points coordinates

origin_coordslist, numpy.ndarray

2D or 3D coordinates of the control points in the origin space

destination_coordslist, numpy.ndarray

2D or 3D coordinates of the control points in the destination space

rcondfloat, default: -1

Cut-off ratio for small singular values used by numpy.linalg.lstsq

shapely_formatbool, default: True

If True, returns a transform matrix in the shapely format otherwise returns a 3x3 or 4x4 transform matrix


  • matrix (numpy.array, list) – The transform matrix (in list form if shapely_format is True)

  • residuals (numpy.ndarray) –

    The residuals of the least-squares fitting of the parameters of the transform from the control points coordinate


  • rank (int) – Rank of matrix a

  • singular ((min(M, N),) ndarray) – Singular values of a


>>> # This example shows how to use this function to compute the affine transform matrix from 2D control points.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import geometron.geometries.transforms as ggt
>>> origin_coords = [np.array([0.,0.]), np.array([0.,1.]), np.array([1.,0.]), np.array([1.,1.2])]
>>> destination_coords = [np.array([2.5,1.5]), np.array([2.,2.]), np.array([3.,2.]), np.array([2.5,3.])]
>>> transform_matrix, residuals, rank, singular = ggt.affine_transform_matrix(origin_coords, destination_coords)
>>> transform_matrix
[0.5450819672131152, -0.4508196721311477, 0.6803278688524602,
0.6967213114754098, 2.4754098360655745, 1.401639344262296]

Takes a 3D geometry and returns a 2D geometry discarding the third coordinate :param geom: a 3D geometry to flatten :type geom: shapely.geometry


a 2D geometry

Return type:


geometron.geometries.transforms.project_coords_on_plane(coords, **kwargs)

Define a 3d transform corresponding to the projection on a plane


>>> # This example shows how to use this function.
>>> plane = {'origin': (20,0,0), 'normal': (1, 3, 3), 'first_unit_vector' : (0,1,0)}
>>> project_coords_on_plane((1,0,0), plane = plane)
geometron.geometries.transforms.projective_transform(geometry, transform_matrix)
  • geometry (shapely.geometry) – geometry to transform

  • transform_matrix (numpy.ndarray) – the transform matrix

Return type:

transform geometries

geometron.geometries.transforms.projective_transform_matrix(origin_coords, destination_coords, rcond=-1)

Computes a projective transform matrix from control points coordinates

origin_coordslist, numpy.ndarray

2D coordinates of the control points in the origin space

destination_coordslist, numpy.ndarray

2D coordinates of the control points in the destination space

rcondfloat, default: -1

Cut-off ratio for small singular values used by numpy.linalg.lstsq


matrix – The transform matrix

Return type:

numpy.ndarray, list


>>> # This example shows how to use this function to compute the projective transform matrix from 2D control points.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import geometron.geometries.transforms as ggt
>>> origin_coords = [np.array([0.,0.]), np.array([0.,1.]), np.array([1.,0.]), np.array([1.,1.2])]
>>> destination_coords = [np.array([2.5,1.5]), np.array([2.,2.]), np.array([3.,2.]), np.array([2.5,3.])]
>>> transform_matrix, residuals, rank, singular = ggt.projective_transform_matrix(origin_coords, destination_coords)
>>> transform_matrix
[0.5450819672131152, -0.4508196721311477, 0.6803278688524602,
0.6967213114754098, 2.4754098360655745, 1.401639344262296]
geometron.geometries.transforms.raise_geometry(obj, elevation=0.0)

Turns a 2d geometry or 2d geometries of a geodataframe in 3d geometry(ies) with the given constant elevation, if obj is a geodataframe, the transform is done in place.

  • obj (shapely.geometry or geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – the geometry

  • elevation (float) – elevation to which obj will be raised


modified geometry(ies)

Return type:

shapely.geometry or geopandas.GeoDataFrame


>>> # This example shows how to raise a 2D Point to a 3D point with elevation set to 100.
>>> from shapely.geometry import Point
>>> from geometron.geometries.transforms import raise_geometry
>>> p = Point([1., 3.])
>>> p = raise_geometry(p, 100.)
>>> print(p)
POINT Z (1 3 100)
geometron.geometries.transforms.rotate_around_vector(vector, angle, degrees=False, affine_4x4=False)

Returns the matrix associated to a rotation by a given angle around a given vector using Rodrigues formula

  • vector (numpy.array) – vector around which the rotation matrix will be computed

  • angle (float) – amplitude of rotation given following the right-hand-side rule

  • degrees (bool, default: False) – set to True if angle is given in degrees rather than in radians

  • affine_4x4 (bool, default: False) – set to True to return a 4x4 affine transform matrix


transform matrix

Return type:



>>> # This example shows how to use this function to rotate by 90° a given vector a around vector v.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import geometron.geometries.transforms as ggt
>>> a = np.array([0., 0., 1.])
>>> v = np.array([3., 0., 0.])
>>> angle = np.pi/2
>>> r = ggt.rotate_around_vector(v, angle)
>>>, a)
array([ 0.00000000e+00, -1.00000000e+00,  1.11022302e-16])
For more info. see'_rotation_formula#Matrix_notation

Translates a vtk 3x3 or 4x3 transform matrix into a shapely transform array :param transform_matrix: a 3x3 or 4x4 affine transform matrix :type transform_matrix: numpy.array

Return type:


geometron.geometries.vectors.almost_colinear(v1, v2, atol=1e-08)

Tests if vectors v1 and v2 are almost colinear.

  • v1 (numpy.array or list) – first 2D or 3D vector

  • v2 (numpy.array or list) – second 2D or 3D vector

  • atol (float, default 1e-08) – absolute tolerance used to compare the norm of the cross product between v1 and v2 with zero


True if v1 and v2 are almost colinear

Return type:



>>> # This example shows that ux is colinear with the cross product of uy by uz
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from geometron.geometries import vectors as ggv
>>> ggv.almost_colinear(ggv.ux, np.cross(,
geometron.geometries.vectors.almost_null(v, atol=1e-08)

Tests if v is almost the null vector (a vector with all coordinates = 0.).

  • v (numpy.array or list) – input vector

  • atol (float, defaut 1e-08) – absolute tolerance used to compare v with null


True if v is almost close to null

Return type:



>>> import numpy as np
>>> from geometron.geometries import vectors as ggv
>>> ggv.almost_null(np.array([0., 0., 0.]))
geometron.geometries.vectors.angle_between_vectors(v1, v2, degrees=False)

Returns the angle between 2 vectors v1 and v2

if a vector is 2D it is converted to a 3D array with third coordinate set to zero.

  • v1 (numpy.array or list) – first 2D or 3D vector

  • v2 (numpy.array or list) – second 2D or 3D vector

  • degrees (bool, default False) – set to True to return the angle in degrees otherwise the angle is in radians


angle between v1 and v2

Return type:



>>> import numpy as np
>>> from geometron.geometries import vectors as ggv
>>> v1 = ggv.ux
>>> v2 =
>>> ggv.angle_between_vectors(v1, v2, degrees=True)
geometron.geometries.vectors.dip_and_strike_vectors(dip, strike, degrees=False)

Computes the unit vectors along the dip and the strike directions

  • dip (float) – dip angle counted using the right-hand side rule

  • strike (float) – strike angle counted clockwise from the North

  • degrees (bool, default False) – if True, the angles are given in degrees otherwise in radians


unit vectors along the dip and the strike directions

Return type:



>>> # This example shows how to retrieve the unit vectors along the dip and the strike directions N120°E 60°S
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from geometron.geometries import vectors as ggv
>>> ggv.dip_and_strike_vectors(60., 120., degrees=True)
(array([-0.25     , -0.4330127, -0.8660254]),
array([ 0.8660254, -0.5      ,  0.       ]))
geometron.geometries.vectors.distance_to_segment(pt, segment)

Returns the distance between a point and a segment

  • pt (tuple, list or numpy.ndarray) – coordinates of the point

  • segement (tuple, list or numpy.ndarray) – coordinates of the extremities of the segment


distance between point and segment

Return type:



Returns the normal vector of a plane defined by two non co-linear vectors or three non co-linear 3D points


args (tuple or list or numpy.ndarray) – an array-like object of the coordinates of two 3D vectors or three points 3D points


the unit vector normal to the plane

Return type:



>>> # This example shows how to search for the normal vector of the Oxy plane from two non co-linear vectors
>>> # (assuming first, second and third components of the vectors correspond to components along x, y and z
>>> # respectively in a cartesian system) :
>>> from shapely.geometry import Point
>>> import geometron.geometries.vectors as ggv
>>> v1 = Point((1., 0., 0.))
>>> v2 = Point((0., 1., 0.))
>>> ggv.plane_normal([v1, v2])
array([0., 0., 1.])
The answer is obviously a unit vector along the z-axis.
>>> # This example shows how to search for the normal vector of the Oxy plane (assuming first, second and third
>>> # components of the vectors correspond to components along x, y and z respectively in a cartesian system) :
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import geometron.geometries.vectors as ggv
>>> p1 = np.array((0., 0., 0.))
>>> p2 = np.array((1., 0., 0.))
>>> p3 = np.array((0., 1., 0.))
>>> ggv.plane_normal([p1, p2, p3])
array([0., 0., 1.])
The answer is obviously a unit vector along the z-axis.
>>> # This example shows how to search for the normal vector of the Oxy plane from three shapely Points (assuming
>>> # first, second and third components of the vectors correspond to components along x, y and z respectively in a
>>> # cartesian system) :
>>> from shapely.geometry import Point
>>> import geometron.geometries.vectors as ggv
>>> p1 = Point((0., 0., 0.))
>>> p2 = Point((1., 0., 0.))
>>> p3 = Point((0., 1., 0.))
>>> ggv.plane_normal([a, b, c])
array([0., 0., 1.])
The answer is obviously a unit vector along the z-axis.
geometron.geometries.vectors.plane_normal_from_dip_and_strike(dip, strike, degrees=False)

Computes the unit vector normal to the plane defined by the dip and the strike directions

  • dip (float) – dip angle counted using the right-hand side rule

  • strike (float) – strike angle counted clockwise from the North

  • degrees (bool, default False) – if True, the angles are given in degrees otherwise in radians


unit vector normal to the plane defined by dip and strike

Return type:



>>> # This example shows how to retrieve the unit vector along the normal of the plane defined by dip and the strike
>>> # directions N120°E 60°S
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from geometron.geometries import vectors as ggv
>>> ggv.plane_normal_from_dip_and_strike(60., 120., degrees=True)
array([-0.4330127, -0.75     ,  0.5      ])
geometron.geometries.vectors.rotate_around_vector(*args, **kwargs)

Computes a unit vector in the direction of the given vector


vector (numpy.array) – the input vector


the unit vector in the direction of the input vector

Return type:



>>> # This examples shows how to retrieve the unit vector in the direction of vector [1,2,3]
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from geometron.geometries import vectors as ggv
>>> v = np.array([1,2,3])
>>> ggv.unit_vector(v)
array([0.26726124, 0.53452248, 0.80178373])

geometron.interpolation module

geometron.interpolation.interpolation_2d.interpolate_xyv(gdf, col, ax=None, method='linear', extent=None, vlim=None, dx=None, dy=None, xy=None, plot=True, buffer=None, **kwargs)

Interpolate values stored in a column of a geodataframe of Points on a structured or unstructured grid

  • gdf (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – A geodataframe containing points and at least a column of values to interpolate

  • col (str) – Name of the column containing the values to interpolate

  • ax (matplotlib.pyplot.axes, default: None) – A matplotlib axes to plot the interpolated map. If None, a new figure and a new axes are created

  • method (str, default: 'linear') – An interpolation method to use for interpolation on a structured grid (nearest, linear or cubic)

  • extent (iterable, default: None) – Extent of the interpolation. If None, extent is determined from the extent of gdf

  • vlim (iterable, default: None) – Minimum and maximum values for the representation of the interpolated values. If None, vlim is determined from the range of the interpolated values

  • dx (float, default: None) – Step of the grid long the x-axis. If None, dx is computed from the extent

  • dy (float, default: None) – Step of the grid long the y-axis. If None, dx is computed from the extent

  • xy (numpy.ndarray, default: None) – Coordinates of the points defining an unstructured grid for a Clough-Tocher interpolation. The method argument is ignored if xy is not None

  • plot (bool, default: True) – Plots the interpolated map in ax

  • buffer (float, default: None) – size, in map units, of the buffer around data points in gdf where the interpolated values are rendered

  • kwargs (dict) – Keywords and arguments to pass to matplotlib.pyplot.imshow or matplotlib.pyplot.triplot


  • numpy.ndarray – Interpolated values

  • matplotlib.pyplot.AxesImages – plotted image

geometron.plot module

geometron.plot.basemaps.auto_zoom_level(extent, max_zoom=17)

Automatic determination of the zoom level to retrieve tiles from a xyz tile server

  • extent (tuple) – (longitude of left border, longitude of right border, latitude of bottom border, latitude of top border)

  • max_zoom (int, default: 17) – maximum zoom level


zoom level to retrieve tiles

Return type:


geometron.plot.basemaps.deg2num(lon, lat, zoom, tile_size=256)

Converts WGS84 coordinates (EPSG:4326) to web pseudo-mercator coordinates (EPSG:3758)

  • lon (float) – longitude in decimal degrees

  • lat (float) – latitude in decimal degrees

  • zoom (int) – zoom level

  • tile_size (int) – size of the side of a square tile in pixels


(x, y) planar coordinates in web pseudo-mercator coordinate system

Return type:


geometron.plot.basemaps.get_image_cluster(left, top, right, bottom, zoom, xyz_server_url, tile_size=256, cache_dir='./.tiles_cache', verbose=False)

Gets a cluster of tiles from a xyz server, assembles it and crops it to the given extent

  • left (float) – longitude in degrees of the top left corner

  • top (float) – latitude in degrees of the top left corner

  • right (float) – longitude in degrees of the bottom right corner

  • bottom (float) – latitude in degrees of the bottom right corner

  • zoom (int) – zoom level

  • xyz_server_url (str) – url of the xyz server

  • tile_size (int) – size of the side of a square tile in pixels

  • cache_dir (str, default: './.tiles_cache') – path to a directory to cache the tiles

  • verbose (bool) – verbose output if True


(image, extent)

Return type:


geometron.plot.basemaps.plot_basemap(extent, ax=None, **kwargs)

Plots a basemap and returns a matplotlib axes

  • extent (tuple) – (longitude of left border, longitude of right border, latitude of bottom border, latitude of top border)

  • ax (matplotlib.pyplot.axes, default: None) – an axes into which the basemap is plotted

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) –

    dms: bool

    True if latitude and longitudes should be displayed in DD°MM’SS.SSS’’ format

    figsize: tuple, default: (16,8)

    size of the figure

    grid: str, default: ‘on’

    ’on’ to show the grid, ‘off’ to hide the grid

    zoom: int

    zoom level

    max_zoom: int, default: 17

    maximum zoom level

    xyz_server: str, default: ‘opentopomap’

    name or url of the xyz server

    tile_size: int, default=256

    size of the side of a square tile in pixels

    cache_dir: str, default: ‘./.tiles_cache’

    path to a directory to cache the tiles

    verbose: bool

    verbose output if True

geometron.plot.geological_maps.dip_and_strike_patch(xy, dip=0.0, strike=0.0, polarity=1, size=1.0, degrees=True, **kwargs) -> (<class 'matplotlib.patches.Patch'>, <class 'matplotlib.patches.Patch'>)

Creates a symbol to represent structural information for bedding observation

  • xy (tuple) – 2d coordinates of the observation

  • dip (float, default 0.) – angle

  • strike (float) – is the angle

  • polarity ({1,0}) – 1 for normal polarity, 0 for reversed polarity

  • size (float) – size of the symbol in the map units

  • degrees (bool, default True) – True if dip and strike angles are given in degrees, False if they are given in radians

  • kwargs (dict) – arguments passed to build the patches

Return type:

(matplotlib.patches.Patch, matplotlib.patches.Patch)

geometron.plot.geological_maps.plot_map(polygon_dict, color_dict, extent, ax=None, **kwargs)
geometron.plot.geological_maps.plot_observations(gdf_surface_points, gdf_orientations, color_dict=None, field='formation', title='', label='Z', label_unit='m', ax=None, extent=None, add_legend=True)

highlight (bool, default: True) – Adds a white glow around symbol and label if True


path_effects, stroke_effects

Return type:


geometron.plot.geometries.plot_gdf_survey(gdf, ax=None, extent=None, grid='off', highlight=True)

Plots elements of a geodataframe describing a survey using a symbology stored in symbols depending on the kind

  • gdf (pandas.GeoDataFrame) – A geodataframe to plot

  • ax (matplotlib.axes) – Axes in which the shapely object should be plotted

  • extent (list) – [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]

  • grid (str, default: 'off') – ‘on’ to show the grid, ‘off’ to hide the grid

  • highlight (bool, default: True) – Adds a white glow around symbols, lines and labels if True


the matplotlib axes object used to plot

Return type:


geometron.plot.geometries.plot_line(obj, ax=None, name='', kind='', highlight=True)

Plots a shapely LineString as a line using a symbology stored in symbols depending on the kind

  • obj (shapely.geometry) – A shapely object to plot

  • ax (matplotlib.axes) – Axes in which the shapely object should be plotted

  • name (str) – Name of the line

  • kind (str) – Kind of line (i.e. profile, baseline…)

  • highlight (bool, default: True) – Adds a white glow around line and label if True


the matplotlib axes object used to plot

Return type:


geometron.plot.geometries.plot_point(obj, ax=None, name='', kind='', highlight=True)

Plots a shapely Point as a marker using a symbology stored in symbols depending on the kind

  • obj (shapely.geometry) – A shapely object to plot

  • ax (matplotlib.axes) – Axes in which the shapely object should be plotted

  • name (str) – Name of the line

  • kind (str) – Kind of point (i.e. landmark, station…)

  • highlight (bool, default: True) – Adds a white glow around symbol and label if True


the matplotlib axes object used to plot

Return type:


geometron.plot.geometries.plot_profile(obj, ax=None, name='', **kwargs)

Plots a shapely LineString as a profile

  • obj (shapely.geometry) – A shapely object to plot

  • ax (matplotlib.axes) – Axes in which the shapely object should be plotted

  • name (str) – Name of the profile

Return type:

the matplotlib axes object used to plot

geometron.plot.geometries.plot_shapely_obj(obj=None, ax=None, **kwargs)

Plots a shapely object in matplotlib axes

  • obj (shapely.geometry) – A shapely object to plot

  • ax (matplotlib.axes) – Axes in which the shapely object should be plotted

  • kwargs (dict) – Keywords and arguments to pass to matplotlib plot for Point, MultiPoint, LineString, MultiLineString or LinearStrings and to patches for polygons


the matplotlib axes object used to plot the shapely object

Return type:


geometron.vtk module

Transforms a geopandas geodataframe into a pyvista unstructured grid Index and fields are added to the grid as cell scalar arrays if they are numeric

param gdf:

A geodataframe with unique index values

type gdf:


param elevation:

Column name for the elevation field, if geometry is 3D, this value will be ignored

type elevation:



A pyvista unstructured grid containing Points, LineStrings and Polygons with elevation as point data and other numeric values stored in columns as cell data arrays




Default dir() implementation.

geometron.vtk.gdf_to_ug.__format__(format_spec, /)

Default object formatter.


This method is called when a class is subclassed.

The default implementation does nothing. It may be overridden to extend subclasses.

geometron.vtk.gdf_to_ug.__new__(*args, **kwargs)

Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.


Helper for pickle.

geometron.vtk.gdf_to_ug.__reduce_ex__(protocol, /)

Helper for pickle.


Size of object in memory, in bytes.


Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().

This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).

geometron.vtk.transforms.map_image_to_plane(image_file, vtk_transform_matrix, flip_lr=False, flip_ud=False)
geometron.vtk.transforms.transform_vtk(transform_matrix, infile, outfile=None)

Transforms a vtk file using an affine transform in 3D defined by the transform matrix :param transform_matrix: a 4x4 affine transform matrix :type transform_matrix: numpy.ndarray :param infile: filename of a vtk file to transform :type infile: str or path :param outfile: filename of the transformed vtk file :type outfile: str or path