Plot a basemap

  1. Kaufmann, 2021.

from geometron.plot import plot_basemap

Define extent in EPSG:4326 coordinates (WGS84) and a cache directory for reusing downloaded tiles

extent = (3.6, 4.1, 50.32, 50.52)
cache_dir = './tmp_files/.tiles_cache'

Plot the basemap in a matplotlib.pyplot axes

The defaut tile server and display parameters are used here…

ax = plot_basemap(extent, figsize=(20,20), cache_dir=cache_dir)

When using a cache_dir images retrieved from the server are stored in a cache directory on your disk. If the same tile is needed again, the cached tile will be used. The process limits the number of requests to the servers and speeds-up the display.

Several other named tile servers are available

ax = plot_basemap(extent, figsize=(20,20), cache_dir=cache_dir, xyz_server='openstreetmap')
ax = plot_basemap(extent, figsize=(20,20), cache_dir=cache_dir, xyz_server='google terrain')
ax = plot_basemap(extent, figsize=(20,20), cache_dir=cache_dir, xyz_server='esri world imagery')

Extra xyz tile servers can also be used by providing the entire url

ax = plot_basemap(extent, figsize=(20,20), cache_dir=cache_dir,