Gravimetry - Importing and processing a gravity survey to compute a Bouguer anomaly

  1. Kaufmann, 2019-2021. Work in progress.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import geopandas as gpd
import shapely
from bootsoff.gravity import corrections

Import dataset

# importing a built-in dataset. Use bootsoff.gravity.instruments.import_cg6 to import a LRS CG6 file.
from import profile as df
The imported dataset is stored as a pandas dataframe.
It includes a geometry field that was programmed in the gravimeter or as been imported from a GNSS receiver
Station_ID InstrCorrGrav StdDev StdErr Latitude Longitude Ellipsoid Height InstrHeight RMS Easting RMS Elevation RMS Northing mask geometry
2019-12-09 06:52:12+00:00 1 - BASE_JONCQUOIS_02 4296.4051 0.1788 0.0327 50.445443 3.958254 75.189 0.0 0.0080 0.0204 0.0080 False POINT (3.95825353703 50.44544330897001)
2019-12-09 06:52:42+00:00 1 - BASE_JONCQUOIS_02 4296.4063 0.0991 0.0181 50.445443 3.958254 75.189 0.0 0.0080 0.0204 0.0080 False POINT (3.95825353703 50.44544330897001)
2019-12-09 06:53:12+00:00 1 - BASE_JONCQUOIS_02 4296.4068 0.1715 0.0313 50.445443 3.958254 75.189 0.0 0.0080 0.0204 0.0080 False POINT (3.95825353703 50.44544330897001)
2019-12-09 07:32:17+00:00 1 - 225 4297.1063 0.2129 0.0389 50.429907 3.688630 64.656 0.0 0.0107 0.0238 0.0119 False POINT (3.68862962157 50.42990663128001)
2019-12-09 07:32:47+00:00 1 - 225 4297.0937 0.1925 0.0352 50.429907 3.688630 64.656 0.0 0.0107 0.0238 0.0119 False POINT (3.68862962157 50.42990663128001)
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2019-12-19 14:05:25+00:00 1 - 317 4304.2391 0.1454 0.0265 50.462992 3.659931 62.741 0.0 0.0082 0.0208 0.0068 False POINT (3.65993108962 50.46299167397)
2019-12-19 14:05:55+00:00 1 - 317 4304.2287 0.1375 0.0251 50.462992 3.659931 62.741 0.0 0.0082 0.0208 0.0068 False POINT (3.65993108962 50.46299167397)
2019-12-19 14:21:45+00:00 1 - 332 4304.9160 0.1239 0.0226 50.466507 3.650911 62.297 0.0 0.0183 0.0537 0.0107 False POINT (3.6509110203 50.46650696247)
2019-12-19 14:22:15+00:00 1 - 332 4304.9338 0.1479 0.0270 50.466507 3.650911 62.297 0.0 0.0183 0.0537 0.0107 False POINT (3.6509110203 50.46650696247)
2019-12-19 14:22:45+00:00 1 - 332 4304.9413 0.1092 0.0199 50.466507 3.650911 62.297 0.0 0.0183 0.0537 0.0107 False POINT (3.6509110203 50.46650696247)

959 rows × 13 columns

Define the Base station and get the base point

base_station = "1 - BASE_JONCQUOIS_02"
base_point = df.query('Station_ID=="%s"' %base_station).iloc[0,:]

Apply corrections

Choose units among mgal, microgal and si

units = 'mgal'

Compute corrections

Instrument drift and terrain corrections have not been implemented yet…

corrections(df,, units=units)
list_corr = ['LatCorr', 'AtmCorr', 'AltCorr', 'BougSphCapCorr', 'BougSlabCorr', 'TideCorr']
LatCorr AtmCorr AltCorr BougSphCapCorr BougSlabCorr TideCorr
2019-12-09 06:52:12+00:00 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
2019-12-09 06:52:42+00:00 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.000070
2019-12-09 06:53:12+00:00 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.000141
2019-12-09 07:32:17+00:00 1.382146 -0.001038 -3.249397 1.194199 1.179367 -0.005881
2019-12-09 07:32:47+00:00 1.382146 -0.001038 -3.249397 1.194199 1.179367 -0.005958
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2019-12-19 14:05:25+00:00 -1.560937 -0.001226 -3.840188 1.411316 1.393787 0.020647
2019-12-19 14:05:55+00:00 -1.560937 -0.001226 -3.840188 1.411316 1.393787 0.020532
2019-12-19 14:21:45+00:00 -1.873602 -0.001270 -3.977163 1.461656 1.443501 0.016666
2019-12-19 14:22:15+00:00 -1.873602 -0.001270 -3.977163 1.461656 1.443501 0.016536
2019-12-19 14:22:45+00:00 -1.873602 -0.001270 -3.977163 1.461656 1.443501 0.016406

959 rows × 6 columns

Plot corrections

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20,8))
lat_lim = [50.34, 50.52]
for i in list_corr:
    ax.plot(df.Latitude, df[i], '.', label=i)
    for idx, row in df.iterrows():
        if (lat_lim[0]<=row.Latitude<=lat_lim[1]) and (i == 'AltCorr'):
            ax.text(row.Latitude, row[i], row['Station_ID'])
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe8e0f06100>

Apply corrections to the measurements

df['Bouguer'] = df['InstrCorrGrav']+df['LatCorr']+df['AtmCorr']+df['AltCorr']+df['BougSphCapCorr']+df['TideCorr']

Display the effects of corrections

In time…

fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, figsize=(20,6))
df['InstrCorrGrav'].plot(marker='o', linestyle='none', label='raw')
df['Bouguer'].plot(marker='.', alpha=0.5, linestyle='none', label='corrected')
Text(0, 0.5, '[mGal]')

In space…

gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry=df['geometry'].apply(lambda x: shapely.wkt.loads(x)), crs='epsg:4326')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(20,6))
gdf.plot(column='InstrCorrGrav', ax=ax[0], vmin=4290., vmax=4310, cmap='jet', legend=True)
gdf.plot(column='Bouguer', ax=ax[1], vmin=4290., vmax=4310, cmap='jet', legend=True)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, figsize=(10,6))
gdf.plot(column='Bouguer', ax=ax, vmin=4290., vmax=4310, cmap='jet', legend=True)
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